"Open and Close" Educational Kit (Ages 1+ yrs)

Buttons, zippers, pockets, and laces are relatively commonplace and are fascinating. As your child explores his surroundings, he is likely to be curious about how these different fasteners work. This curiosity and investigation will be especially useful as he grows in his independence and wants to dress and undress himself. The Open and Close Kit was designed to provide your child with many opportunities to explore and practice fasteners and understand other opposite pairs.

Educational kit includes:

  • Guides: 20 Bilingual Activity Cards
  • Music: Kids' Candor CD in English and Spanish: Buttons and Closings
  • Book: Up and Down by Catherine Hnatov
  • Toys: Dress Up Bear and Boat Train Bath Toys
  • Supportive Materials  Tape, Ribbons and Pencil

Collections: Single Kits

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